Political communication has a defining attribute. First, we’ll use the space here to relay a message from the ICC prosecutor after the arrest and transfer of former Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte and tackle some views about the theory next week.
That “(this) means a lot” to relatives of EJK victims means a lot to political communicators, too. Karim Khan says this and more:
Statement of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor on the arrest of former Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) welcomes the arrest and transfer of the suspect Mr Rodrigo Roa Duterte, former President of the Philippines, on 11 March 2025 by the Republic of the Philippines authorities. Mr Duterte has been arrested in the context of the Office’s ongoing investigation into the Situation in the Republic of the Philippines.
ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC on the arrest of former Philippine President Duterte
Based on its independent and impartial investigations, the Office of the Prosecutor alleges that Mr Duterte, as founder and head of the Davao Death Squad, then Mayor of Davao City, and subsequently as the President of the Philippines, is criminally responsible for the crime against humanity of murder (Article 7(1)(a) of the Rome Statute) committed in the Philippines between 1 November 2011 and 16 March 2019. Mr Duterte is alleged to have committed these crimes as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against the civilian population.
In the warrant of arrest it issued on 7 March 2025, Pre-Trial Chamber I determined that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Duterte bears criminal responsibility for the crime against humanity of murder. The Chamber also noted that the case against Mr. Duterte falls within the jurisdiction of the Court as the alleged crimes occurred during the period when the Philippines was a State Party to the Rome Statute, the ICC’s founding treaty.
The arrest of Mr Duterte is an important development in the Office’s pursuit of accountability in the Situation in the Republic of the Philippines for alleged crimes committed in the context of the so-called “war on drugs” campaign.
The Office has been able to conduct this work through the coordinated efforts of its Philippines Unified Team, under the guidance and leadership of Deputy Prosecutor Mame Mandiaye Niang, as well as its newly-established Tracking and Information Fusion Section and other relevant components of the Office. The Office is also grateful for the work of the Registry and the effective coordination of efforts to secure the arrest of the suspect.
This is a crucial step in our continuous work to ensure accountability for the victims of the most serious crimes under ICC jurisdiction. The Office is now commencing preparations towards the initial appearance and subsequent judicial proceedings before the Court.
The Office wishes to thank all the victims, survivors, witnesses, and activists from the Philippines who have stepped forward to cooperate in the Office’s investigation. Their strength, courage, and perseverance make these significant developments possible. Those who wish to further cooperate or who have relevant information are encouraged to do so via the Office’s Witness Appeal portal.
The Office’s investigation in the Situation in the Republic of the Philippines continues. In pursuing further accountability in this situation, the Office hopes to engage with the Philippine authorities on potential avenues of cooperation and will continue to rely on the partnership of national authorities, regional and international organizations, civil society, and the communities affected by the Rome Statute crimes.
More information:
Office of the Prosecutor
Situation in the Philippines
Witness Appeal: Situation in the Republic of the Philippines
Source: Office of the Prosecutor | Contact: OTPNewsDesk@icc-cpi.int
URL: https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-office-prosecutor-arrest-former-philippine-president-rodrigo-roa-dutertesident-rodrigo-roa-duterte

DC Alviar
Professor DC Alviar serves as a member of the steering committee of the Philippine International Studies Organization (PHISO). He was part of National University’s community extension project that imparted the five disciplines of a learning organization (Senge, 1990) to communities in a local government unit. He writes and edits local reports for Mega Scene. He graduated with a master’s degree in development communication from the University of the Philippines Open University in Los Baños. He recently defended a dissertation proposal for his doctorate degree in communication at the same graduate school under a Philippine government scholarship grant. He was editor-in-chief of his high school paper Ang Ugat and the Adamson News.