The devastation caused by Typhoon Odette to the southern part of the Philippines is literally appalling like what happened to Tacloban during the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda. Some areas were totally wasted leaving nothing to the residents but debris. What differentiate now with the previous administration is the fact that help from the government headed by PRRD comes immediately without unnecessary media coverage. But since election is just a few months away, some presidentiables saw the situation as a perfect time to woo the voters in the affected areas.
Boxer Manny Pacquiao publicly called on his fellow presidentiables to temporarily set aside politics and pull their resources together to help the victims of the catastrophe. His public call was immediately rebuffed by Sen. Ping Lacson saying that “calamity politics is the lowest kind”, to which I agree. Using the deplorable condition of people in devastated areas to advance personal political interest is unacceptable and does not deserve any appreciation.
When the storm subsided, Manila Mayor Isko Moreno and VP Leni Robredo, both presidentiables called on their supporters and allies to donate cash or kind and to bring their donations to their respective headquarters which according to them shall be distributed to the people of the devastated areas.
On the other hand, the UNITEAM of Bongbong Marcos and Sara Duterte was a few steps ahead of time. When PAG-ASA announced that there is a strong typhoon coming that might cause flood, landslides and other mishaps in the southern parts of the country, Bongbong and Sarah, with the support of their volunteers already prepared goods and other useful items for distribution to the people who might be affected without regard to political colors. Like true leaders who are aspiring to rule this country, they did not wait for the storm to land before preparing for the would-be needed provisions.
The onslaught of “Odette” for me is a good gauge to measure the capability and stability under pressure of the presidentiables to act hastily and soundly without being told. That is one good quality a leader must possess. At this time of the pandemic, our country needs someone who will not dilly-dally in making decisions, someone who will act promptly according to the needs of the people regardless of their political affiliation.
“Calamity politics” like “necro-politics” according to some non-traditional politicians are abominable hence must be thrown straight to the trash bins. What we need are leaders who can stand firmly on the strength of their own merits if we wish to regain our venerable place in the international community.
Meanwhile, allow me to greet you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Melinda Bagsic Evangelista
I was born to write and I believe that’s my calling. I love writing because it brings me to the realm exclusively of mine. It is also my opinion that “immortality” can be achieved not by searching for the Holy Grail and drinking from it but by living your life worth-writing or writing something worth-reading. Since I cannot promise you a life worth-writing, I keep myself busy writing something worth-reading. I am thankful to God for giving me the talent and skill to see life in different perspectives not seen by many and the courage to share it to my readers. This first ever Tutubi Digital News Magazine is a perfect avenue to bring you the many facets of life that you can ponder upon in this time of the pandemic. Enjoy reading all the articles.