Damian Lewis revives medieval tradition, leads sheep drive over London’s Southwark Bridge


LONDON. Acclaimed British actor Damian Lewis took center stage in a centuries-old tradition on Sunday, leading a flock of sheep across London’s Southwark Bridge as part of the annual London Sheep Drive. This event pays homage to an ancient privilege granted to Freemen of the City of London, allowing them to drive livestock over the River Thames without paying tolls.

Dressed in his grandfather’s wool coat and wielding a shepherd’s crook, Lewis—famed for his roles in “Band of Brothers” and *”Homeland”—joined over 1,000 fellow participants, many of whom sported black hats and red cloaks, in this symbolic and festive procession. “It was fabulous,” Lewis said, enthusiastically embracing what he called “this eccentric, very British day, honoring an old tradition.”

Lewis was representing the Worshipful Company of Woolmen, one of the city’s oldest trade guilds, with origins dating back to the 12th century. The sheep drive, which was revived 15 years ago, has since transformed into a major charity fundraising event. Manny Cohen, the Master Woolman, highlighted the significance of preserving this ancient practice while contributing to worthy causes.

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Gary P Hernal

Gary P Hernal started college at UP Diliman and received his BA in Economics from San Sebastian College, Manila, and Masters in Information Systems Management from Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University in Oak Brook, IL. He has 25 years of copy editing and management experience at Thomson West, a subsidiary of Thomson Reuters.

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