September – the 9th month in the Gregorian Calendar, my birth month. When my kids were still with me, I would start decorating the house with dancing Christmas lights, colorful lanterns, mistletoe, bright-colored curtains, and a Christmas tree – all in preparation for the coming Christmas. My kids would even assist me in cleaning the house from top to bottom – happy bonding moments worth remembering.
Now that my kids are gone, I lost interest in doing what I used to do when they were with me though I had to give in to the fervent request of Nene, my grandkid, to at least give the house a touch of Christmas. So even with a heavy heart and sometimes with tears in my eyes, I had to unbox, untie, and pull out some of the decorations to be displayed again like in the past.
To bolster my interest in decorating the house, Nene would play on her portable radio my old favorite songs ranging from ballad to rock to classical. Like his father, she knew music is my weakness – the language of my soul. She loves watching me tapping the table with my fingers as I listen to the rhythm of the music.
One time in the past, I was photographed stealthily by my son Michael as I mimicked Freddie Mercury in his bombastic rendition of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. It feels good reminiscing the good old days though sometimes it strikes hard the scars left by the wounds of yesteryears causing unwanted pain.
Anyway, at this point in time in my life, I already learned to accept the things that I cannot change. Part of my being had grown numb to heartaches of the past but I must admit that sometimes I still ache especially during this time of the year when Christmas is just weeks away. Growing old as we all know is a blessing because not everybody is given such privilege so we just have to enjoy it with our friends and the people we love every single day.
Honestly, I envy those who spend time roaming around with friends or dancing at the ballroom of some hotels but I guess that’s not my cup of tea. I just want to live my life one day at a time listening to music while reading or doing my usual household chores.

Melinda Bagsic Evangelista
I was born to write and I believe that’s my calling. I love writing because it brings me to the realm exclusively of mine. It is also my opinion that “immortality” can be achieved not by searching for the Holy Grail and drinking from it but by living your life worth-writing or writing something worth-reading. Since I cannot promise you a life worth-writing, I keep myself busy writing something worth-reading. I am thankful to God for giving me the talent and skill to see life in different perspectives not seen by many and the courage to share it to my readers. This first ever Tutubi Digital News Magazine is a perfect avenue to bring you the many facets of life that you can ponder upon in this time of the pandemic. Enjoy reading all the articles.