When will we ever learn?


I’ve been surfing the net this past week in search of something educational and inspirational that I may share with you but what I found were exchanges of political opinions and bashing from opposing netizens; the current war between Ukraine and Russia and the sentiments of people worldwide; the unabated rise in the prices of crude oil and prime commodities; the alleged criminal conspiracy between the CPP-NPA with one of the presidential candidates; the hilarious wedding ritual between a political team inside the church; and other mind-boggling stories.

Watching the whole gamut of the current political extravaganza on the mainstream and social media is fun and entertaining to some but heartbreaking to many. The poor who have nothing to eat find it hard to comprehend why after every election season they still remain poor and wanting despite all the beautiful promises of politicians that their deplorable condition shall change.  Election promises have become a vicious cycle yet the people never learn.  They continue to be willing victims of unscrupulous politicians and their cohorts. 

When will the voters ever learn?  The answer my friends is not blowing in the wind but proper education.  The youth of today need to be properly educated through the indefatigable efforts of parents, teachers, community leaders and the Church.  They must be taught the value and importance of patriotism, loyalty, respect to the duly constituted authorities, reverence to the elderlies and love of country.  There is no debate that the youth of today is the hope of our motherland tomorrow hence, they must be well-equipped with knowledge to help them navigate the road to the future.

Aside from educating the youth and pushing them to excel in academics, they must also learn the value of discipline and compassion and it should start at home. In molding the character of a child, parents play a very important role especially during their formative years. While there is no perfect formula for successful parenting, the teaching of Saint Francis of Assisi relative to the rearing of children is a perfect template to follow but that is a good subject for another story.

In the meanwhile, let us focus on the kind of leaders we are going to choose for this forthcoming election, this being the flavor of the season. Do not be cajoled by sweet promises neither be enticed by appearance nor be tempted to sell your vote. Pray in silence and listen to that small voice inside you. Beware of the wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing.  They are cunning, using the church to get what they want.  Sometimes, they turn the words of God into a bullet and shoot it into your hearts and minds without you knowing it.  In fighting those who want to distort your faith and belief, be smart and meek as a dove, yet swift as an eagle and pierce as a lion.

 Photo credits: Niño Jesus Orbeta/Inquirer
Author profile
Melinda Bagsic Evangelista

I was born to write and I believe that’s my calling.  I love writing because it brings me to the realm exclusively of mine. It is also my opinion that “immortality” can be achieved not by searching for the Holy Grail and drinking from it but by living your life worth-writing or writing something worth-reading.  Since I cannot promise you a life worth-writing, I keep myself busy writing something worth-reading.  I am thankful to God for giving me the talent and skill to see life in different perspectives not seen by many and the courage to share it to my readers. This first ever Tutubi Digital News Magazine is a perfect avenue to bring you the many facets of life that you can ponder upon in this time of the pandemic. Enjoy reading all the articles.