Writers don’t cry


Someone wrote: “We are writers. We don’t cry. We bleed on papers.”

I perfectly agree. Whenever I am confronted with life’s challenges, I don’t simply sit and cry. I would either take hold of my pen and writing pad or sit in front of my personal computer to unload the pain, anger and frustration I feel inside.

Writing does not only help me overcome physical stress and mental fatigue but it gives me a wide latitude to mentally navigate my thoughts and express in ink what I feel. In all the trials I went through, I let my pen not my mouth do the talking.

My previous column “Mel in Colors” at the Monday Mail owned and operated by Sps. Nelson and Nita Cornista would speak for themselves. It tackled practically anything visible to the eyes of a woman – politics, health, education, environment, relationships, love, justice, etc. The same is true with my column “Pitik-Bulag” at The Wednesday Herald owned by Ms. Nena E. Mallari. My journey as a writer would show that I am more inclined to writing than talking.

When my son was killed eleven years ago by an unknown assailant, I did not rant publicly to call the attention of the authorities, instead, I put in writing for almost two years the grief, heartaches, fear and anger I felt. I learned later that the gunman was allegedly “salvaged” by someone who commiserated with our family. I was assuaged by the news but I must admit that it didn’t feel good because the mastermind (as per my mother’s instinct) is still alive and roaming around.

Problems, like people in our lives, come and go. Some stay for good but only up to God knows when and how. When I am down and troubled, I find solace holding my pen or using the keyboard of my laptop to capture in letters my thoughts and my emotions. I tell you it’s far better than taking pills to induce sleep and increase your appetite for food.

A good writer will never run out of topics to share with readers. Just by looking outside the window or simply roaming around the garden or parks or walking on the beach, one can compose beautiful articles that can inspire someone who is going through difficult challenges. Listening to the sound of the running brooks and watching the greenfield with farm animals partaking of the green grass are enough for a writer to show that despite all the odds, ours is still a beautiful world, therefore as a writer, why would I cry when I can write? Remember the old saying “pen is mightier than the sword?”

Author profile
Melinda Bagsic Evangelista

I was born to write and I believe that’s my calling.  I love writing because it brings me to the realm exclusively of mine. It is also my opinion that “immortality” can be achieved not by searching for the Holy Grail and drinking from it but by living your life worth-writing or writing something worth-reading.  Since I cannot promise you a life worth-writing, I keep myself busy writing something worth-reading.  I am thankful to God for giving me the talent and skill to see life in different perspectives not seen by many and the courage to share it to my readers. This first ever Tutubi Digital News Magazine is a perfect avenue to bring you the many facets of life that you can ponder upon in this time of the pandemic. Enjoy reading all the articles.